Sunday, December 30, 2007


All I've done today is eat almond roca. Seriously.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


The other morning my mom discovered a cockroach in our house, which she promptly killed. She thinks it came here with our relatives who visited from Hawaii, because she's never seen a cockroach in Washington state but "they're all over the place in Hawaii." I don't know though...I've seen a fair few in Thai Tom's.
Anyways, I hope it didn't lay eggs. I hope there aren't more. I hope I don't see any or feel any.
You know that blonde girl who is friends with Jules in "Superbad"? The one who just wants some Kyle's Killer Lemonade. She goes to my brother's school and he knows her.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cutefest 2007

Today I wrapped all of the presents that my dad is giving my mom. He had to go into work, and he's not very good at wrapping anyways. This is actually great, because I looove to wrap presents! I spent about an hour in my mom's sewing room listening to some very romantic classical music and it was very calming and nice because I could concentrate in each gift. I'm proud because they each have very distinct personalities, if you will. One of them is so sophisticated. My mom will really love it. I liked the end-products so much that I set up a photo shoot. And then it got really cute because Sweet Baby Angel Kitten decided to model. Enjoy!

Friday, December 21, 2007

New Celebrity Crush:

MATT LAUER. More later. Needless to say I watched the Today Show this morning and was swept off my feet.

EDIT: This is what I have to say about him: He's handsome, friendly looking, tall, dresses nicely, and seems a little wacky. He likes to dress up as girls for Halloween. I would love to marry a man like this man.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Goodbye Jet City, Hello Windy City

Tomorrow (really today, I'm just up late studying) I'm leaving Seattle and going to Chicago! All two of my loyal readers know this, but I'm just so excited.

Does it look like this?? Anyways, I'm doubly excited because I discovered that by a fluke, Brett and I are taking the same flight, AND we're seated in rows right next to one another! Fancy that. I love flying buddies. And after however many flights I've taken in my life, going to the airport and getting on a plane is still something that makes me so excited. I think about it for days before it happens. I'm scared to be too cold. I don't want to be a whiney baby. I'm bringing a salmon on the plane and I hope the airline doesn't lose it like they did last time I flew to Chicago.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Too Comfortable

Last night Liv and I went to the library to study and work on papers and general unpleasant things like that. We went to Allen Library, in which I have never studied before. I loved it! It was quiet and we each got our own desk with partitions that acted like blinders on either side so that one would not get distracted. Also at each desk was a personal reading light and an outlet for a computer, which was key. These little desks are so great because they allow you to set up your very own study world. I put each thing where I want it, spread out around me. The partitions really do help -- you feel like you're there all alone.

Which brings me to my point. I don't know where my head is sometimes, but I just do things that one should not do in public. In the library, specifically. Now that little desk so put me in my own study world that I forgot there were people all around me. Nevertheless, I proceeded unwittingly to take off my slipper, pull off my sock, hoist my foot up onto the edge of the desk, and pick at something on my toe that had been bothering me for some time. I did this all without realizing how crazy inappropriate it was. When I realized this I quickly put my sock back on and got back to work. Hopefully everyone else was in their own study worlds as well, so they didn't notice my behavior.But I guess that's the thing about the library. At least in college, where it's equally if not more so a place to study rather than the get books, people kind of do their own thing. It's like studying is stressful enough that people can't think of normal ways to act in public. I've gone into the bathroom at the library to find a guy on his phone in this little (ladies) lounge leading into it. I guess it was just the closest place for him to talk on the phone in private, even if it was the girls' bathroom (No Boys Allowed!) Anyways, I'm allowing myself not to worry too much about my lack of thinking with the foot thing. People have probably done worse. Kyle once witnessed a guy jerking off in the library bathroom. Just get the stress out, man.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sleep Things

Last night I was laying on the couch and realized that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I really like being in the position in which I can fall asleep when that happens; I'm glad I wasn't at the grocery store when it happened. I just dimmed the light a little and shut my eyes because I could and I wanted to. There wasn't even any real reason to be so tired.

It's funny because sleeping with another person changes how the night goes. When I sleep by myself I sleep the whole night. I don't wake up until my alarm goes off or the cat meows at the door over and over. But with another person in the bed, I wake up all throughout the night because of small movements. But I don't really think it's the movement actually, I think there's some kind of sleep consciousness, and when one person is awake the other person senses it and wakes up too. They say that moms who sleep with their babies in bed with them wake up right before the baby does when it wants to be fed. So babies don't cry in the night and everyone's happier.

This morning Blanco licked my nipple while I was laying in bed. Thomas Crown has done this before, but with him I think he was just licking. But Blanco is a baby and she likes to nurse. She was very consciously sucking my nipple for milk. When I made her stop she made a go for the other nipple, so she knows what's up. It made me extremely uncomfortable. BUT I know how we can do that nursing experiment now!

The only part of my dream that I remember is that I was in a cool car and this other cool car pulled up next to me while we were driving down a road and the person yelled to me "Hey, are you deuce-couping?" and I yelled back "Yeah, I'm deucing-coupe!"

I Would Tap This:

I have always had a huge crush on Ron Howard. I watched Happy Days every night on Nick and Night when I was a kid. I love his red hair, I love his freckles, I love his funny voice, I love his jaw-line, and I love his skinny butt in tight khaki pants. Now, these days I'm not so attracted to him, but if I had married him back in the day I'd be totally ok with the baldness. I love him.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Emergency Room Diaries

Guess what I did yesterday! Instead of going to class I broke my finger! I had left the apartment but realized that I would want a snack because I was going straight to work after class. I yelled up to Liv and asked her to throw me down and orange. 3 stories of gravity combined with the fact that I'm terrible at catching things, and the oranbe bopped my pinky. I grabbed it and felt that it was wonky and yelled up to Liv, who was laughing a little "It's fucked up! It's not right, it's not right!" So I ran back upstairs and showed Liv and study-buddy Lizzie. I didn't look myself because body parts being in places they shouldn't be really freak me out, and I knew something was up. They both gasped and Liv said "I'll take you to the hospital" at which point I started to feel very faint. Liv said my lips were really white and creepy. We were dumb and didn't take a picture, but this is what it looked like:

At the hospital they took X-rays and I watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" in the waiting room and nurses made fun of me for not catching the orange. Then they numbed my pinky and put it back in place and now I have it in a splint. The hospital took 3 hours. I didn't cry.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Win! I Lose!

I wonnn my eBay auction! (Molly, it's a present for someone) So, I was outbid for a couple of days, and so decided to wait until the very last moment to bid higher. It was very nerve-wracking and I had to refresh and refresh the page to make sure I wasn't getting outbid and I really felt like I was going to throw up because the excitement was sooo overwhelming. But I won, and it was great!

Now. At work for my dad, I do his book-keeping. I realized last week that I've neglected to record certain deductions from the payroll account every pay period, which is twice a month. I estimated that we would actually have somewhere in the teens of thousand of dollars less than our account balance showed. I actually worked it all out today, and the actual difference came out to be a whopping $30,787.56!! I hope my dad's not mad.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


What a coincidence Molly! It's the first snow in Seattle, too! It snowed for a couple hours during the day, and it's still snowing now, though it's not sticking anymore. It was so beautiful and magical.

Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm currently writing a paper about the introduction of infant formula and the change from breast-feeding to artificial feeding of children in a historical context. So girly, I know. I'm embarrassed. Anyways, for me one thing always leads to another on wikipedia. There's so much knowledge to gain!

So, I've learned about something called an Adult Nursing Relationship, or ANR. It consists of sexual partners participiating in nursing milk for sexual pleasure. This can happen after lactation has begun because of childbirth, because milk continues to flow (gross) as long as nipples are being sucked. BUT the article said that lacation can be induced in someone who has never even had children. It said with enough sucking (several times a day) you can just start milking!

a) I think this is gross.
b) BUT I wish I could try just to see if enough sucking DOES make milk come. But I totally don't want to try.

Here's a picture of some ho milking her man in Roman times.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I guess this information is for Molly, as Liv heard me exclaim about this in person.

I have just for the first time bid on an item on eBay, and it was FUN! There are still 3 days and something hours left in the auction, but how thrilling it was for just a moment to have the high bid and be told I'm winning!

I can feel myself putting too much of my heart into an auction and feeling really let down if I don't win. Let's hope I win, or I might stick my head in the oven.