Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Win! I Lose!

I wonnn my eBay auction! (Molly, it's a present for someone) So, I was outbid for a couple of days, and so decided to wait until the very last moment to bid higher. It was very nerve-wracking and I had to refresh and refresh the page to make sure I wasn't getting outbid and I really felt like I was going to throw up because the excitement was sooo overwhelming. But I won, and it was great!

Now. At work for my dad, I do his book-keeping. I realized last week that I've neglected to record certain deductions from the payroll account every pay period, which is twice a month. I estimated that we would actually have somewhere in the teens of thousand of dollars less than our account balance showed. I actually worked it all out today, and the actual difference came out to be a whopping $30,787.56!! I hope my dad's not mad.

1 comment:

MOLLY said...

YAY! and shit
(i get your title now)