Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sleep Things

Last night I was laying on the couch and realized that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I really like being in the position in which I can fall asleep when that happens; I'm glad I wasn't at the grocery store when it happened. I just dimmed the light a little and shut my eyes because I could and I wanted to. There wasn't even any real reason to be so tired.

It's funny because sleeping with another person changes how the night goes. When I sleep by myself I sleep the whole night. I don't wake up until my alarm goes off or the cat meows at the door over and over. But with another person in the bed, I wake up all throughout the night because of small movements. But I don't really think it's the movement actually, I think there's some kind of sleep consciousness, and when one person is awake the other person senses it and wakes up too. They say that moms who sleep with their babies in bed with them wake up right before the baby does when it wants to be fed. So babies don't cry in the night and everyone's happier.

This morning Blanco licked my nipple while I was laying in bed. Thomas Crown has done this before, but with him I think he was just licking. But Blanco is a baby and she likes to nurse. She was very consciously sucking my nipple for milk. When I made her stop she made a go for the other nipple, so she knows what's up. It made me extremely uncomfortable. BUT I know how we can do that nursing experiment now!

The only part of my dream that I remember is that I was in a cool car and this other cool car pulled up next to me while we were driving down a road and the person yelled to me "Hey, are you deuce-couping?" and I yelled back "Yeah, I'm deucing-coupe!"

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