Last night Liv and I went to the library to study and work on papers and general unpleasant things like that. We went to Allen Library, in which I have never studied before. I loved it! It was quiet and we each got our own desk with partitions that acted like blinders on either side so that one would not get distracted. Also at each desk was a personal reading light and an outlet for a computer, which was key. These little desks are so great because they allow you to set up your very own study world. I put each thing where I want it, spread out around me. The partitions really do help -- you feel like you're there all alone.
Which brings me to my point. I don't know where my head is sometimes, but I just do things that one should not do in public. In the library, specifically. Now that little desk so put me in my own study world that I forgot there were people all around me. Nevertheless, I proceeded unwittingly to take off my slipper, pull off my sock, hoist my foot up onto the edge of the desk, and pick at something on my toe that had been bothering me for some time. I did this all without realizing how crazy inappropriate it was. When I realized this I quickly put my sock back on and got back to work. Hopefully everyone else was in their own study worlds as well, so they didn't notice my behavior.

But I guess that's the thing about the library. At least in college, where it's equally if not more so a place to study rather than the get books, people kind of do their own thing. It's like studying is stressful enough that people can't think of normal ways to act in public. I've gone into the bathroom at the library to find a guy on his phone in this little (ladies) lounge leading into it. I guess it was just the closest place for him to talk on the phone in private, even if it was the girls' bathroom (No Boys Allowed!) Anyways, I'm allowing myself not to worry too much about my lack of thinking with the foot thing. People have probably done worse. Kyle once witnessed a guy jerking off in the library bathroom. Just get the stress out, man.
1 comment:
i did not notice you picking your foot. but maybe your foot was the fart smell i kept getting whiffs of.
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