Not really. I've been trying to think of a New Year's Resolution, which I never keep anyways. And I decided that I would take better care of my body. This is because I've never been someone who puts much stock in washing, showering, brushing, etc. This resolution includes: showering more often and thoroughly, brushing my teeth every day, washing my face
at least every night, maybe in the morning, keeping my fingernails and toenails trimmed, and shaving my body when it needs it. This resolution does not include flossing; it's a resolution I've had before and have never kept successfully.

Part II of Blog: I found an archive of ads about hygiene that range from 1911 to 1950. I love them because they're all very clear about what a woman should want. I know it may be regressing into a mindset that put women at a "disadvantage" if you will, but I kind of prefer the effort that people put into their appearance back then, as opposed to the shit-fest that style is these days. I like how there was pride in looking feminine and put-together. Here are some funny ads I like.

I like thinking that husbands were totally grossed out by their wives' periods, because men probably didn't know about them that much back then. Because ladies were delicate and didn't talk about that.

There were a lot of ads for deoderant, and most of them revolved around women hearing "nasty whispers" about their B.O. I like that all of these ads are really trying to
sell their shit. They write a whole book about the wonders of deoderant, or soap.
I was born in the wrong era.
i always liked you and thought we would make a pretty great pair but now i'm convinced that we're soul mates.
fuck feminism, i wanna be a house wife with spit curls and cook a mean pot-roast.
i wanna pack brown bag lunches and hand my husband his briefcase as he walks out the door in his tailored suit and give him a delicate kiss on the cheek.
i want a pink dressing room with a vanity where i can sit in my slip and powder my face.
love, molly
I think you were born in the wrong era. I hate those ads, they totally teach women that in order to succeed they must be pretty.
But, I will give it to ya that they sure are to the point!
I think I'd die if I were a house-wife. COuld you do it?
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