Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wise No Longer

Today I got my wisdom teeth out. I was scared to do it, but the doctor was very nice and there was nothing scary about it. They gave me laughing gas which I never really felt affected me, and then they gave me some "samples" of an IV to knock me out to make sure I wasn't allergic. He asked how they were affecting me, and I said "I don't know if they are, what should I feel?" and he said "We're giving you no hints" and gave me another injection and then I concked out, I guess. When I woke up I asked them how long it had taken and they told me a half hour. I told them it had felt like 5 minutes.

Then they took me to a nice dark little room where they put me in a bed with soft blankets and told me how I need to eat soft foods etc. Then I came home. At home I slept and ate yogurt, and slept and ate mashed potatoes, and slept and ate apple sauce and mashed potatoes. Now I'm going to watch Austin Powers (I'm so excited) and go to sleep.

I have gotten swollen at all, and nothing really hurts that bad (yet, knock on wood). With the gauze in my mouth I look a little swollen. I wore my glasses all day. Dana said I look like Eleanor (Li'l El). That made me sad. But I kind of do.

P.S. Those aren't my teeth. They didn't give them to me.


MOLLY said...

YOU DID IT! i'm so proud of you! i knocked on my head for you. i miss you

liv said...

lil el!!!!!

Regina Aletto said...

That's cause your jaw is so big! They say the bigger the jaw, the less likely you are to get swollen/infected. Holla!

Miss you..