Liv got me WOrld of Warcraft for Christmas. Then she bought it for herself, because we'd been talking for some time about how fun it seems. We installed the games today, and created our characters. Liv is a human paladin, and I am a dwarf hunter. We are both females. Because Liv is a human female, she's a total babe. Because I'm a dwarf, I am short and fat. But I made her have cool red-headed pigtails, so she's kind of funny. This is the cool world we play in:

First thing first, I love maps. Second of all, I love maps of fantasy lands in which a completely new world has been thought up in complete detail. That's why I like fantasy books, even if they are dorky. They are smart.
I am SO proud of you for liking WoW! Seriously, it's really fun...
i hate you guys
i also love fantasy worlds with their own rules and details!
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